Haitian police regain control of a police station in the capital that was attacked by gangs

Popular Blog
2 min read3 days ago



PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — Officials have regained control of a police station in Haiti’s capital that had been the target of armed gangs in recent months, authorities said Monday.

The station in Gressier on the western tip of Port-au-Prince was last attacked on Sunday, killing an unknown number of civilians, said Lionel Lazarre, spokesman for a police union. The armed groups burned down houses in the area and caused panic among the population, he said.

A bus driver was attacked while on the job and then shot by armed men, Lazarre added.

Videos posted on social media showed armed men storming the police station and chanting slogans against the Haitian government and Kenyan police. They also showed a fire outside the station, which the gunmen largely destroyed.

Since late February, gangs have raided and attacked more than two dozen police stations in Port-au-Prince as they launched coordinated attacks on critical government infrastructure.

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